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 SMT  60 Min ......$100

 SMT  90 Min ..... $150

 Restack Packages

 $450  .... 5 - 1hr 

 $675   .... 5 - 90 min 

 $900 ... .10 -1hr 

 $1350 ... 10 - 90 min 

Synergetic Myofascial Therapy

Therapeutic Massage


 Massage  30 Min ......$45           

 Massage  60 Min ......$80

 Massage  90 Min .....$120

Additional Services

Chair Massage  20 Min ......$30

Scrape & Tape 20 min ......$30

Taping  Add-on.....$10

CBD Oil......$5

Aromatherapy Add-on ...$5

Swedish massage is the most commonly offered in most spas, and is what most people think a massage is.  As the best-known type of bodywork performed today, one of the primary goals of the Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body using various types of strokes, and with long gliding in the direction of blood returning to the heart. Massage therapy goes beyond relaxation and is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.  â€‹If you want deeper work and can tolerate more pressure to get relief from chronic muscle pain, it's better to book a deep tissue massage.


Scraping is also known as Gua sha, a traditional Chinese treatment.  A tool is used to “scrape” over a muscle or sore spot to help move toxins out, break up scar tissue, or get rid of tendonitis.  Scraping releases unhealthy elements from injured areas and stimulates blood flow triggering a healing process.

Kinesiology tape offers structural or muscle support; it can correct postural problems and increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage.
Book this if you are short on time and need quick relief or to take the pressure off swelling or injured muscles.



1034 S. Cooper St.

Memphis, TN 38104

Tel: 901-275-8644


Our spa is located in Memphis, TN near the medical district.  Please click Book Now to find an appointment time and select a therapist.  Pop us an email should you have any questions or comments.

Success! I will get in touch as soon as I finish a session. You can also book an appointment online and the calendar is always up to date.



Chair massage is a style of seated massage that is typically short -- 20 minutes -- and focuses on your back, shoulders and neck and arms. Chair massage is done over clothes and doesn't require any oil.


For chair massage, you are seated in a special chair with your face resting in a cradle, looking down towards the floor, with supports for your arms. Your back and neck completely relax while the therapist relieves muscle tension using Swedish massage moves like kneading, compression and tapotement,


The healing Point is available for corporate chair massage.  Contact for more details. 




Chair massage is a style of seated massage that is typically short -- 20 minutes -- and focuses on your back, shoulders and neck and arms. Chair massage is done over clothes and doesn't require any oil.


For chair massage, you are seated in a special chair with your face resting in a cradle, looking down towards the floor, with supports for your arms. Your back and neck completely relax while the therapist relieves muscle tension using Swedish massage moves like kneading, compression and tapotement,


The healing Point is available for corporate chair massage.  Contact for more details. 

CBD Oil $5

Taping add-on $5-$10

Aromatherapy add-on $5


If you would like to add a service to your massage please indicate which services in the notes of your booking. 

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